Our BAse - The Tapajos

The Tapajos basin lies in Para state, Brazil.

The whole basin is approx. 499.867 square kilometres. Roughly 1.2 x the size of France or 18.5 x the size of the Netherlands.

Para has the highest deforestation rate of the whole Amazon.

Where the highest degree of biodiversity meets the highest degree of monoculture (Soy Highway)

No other area has such a combination of issues, Soy, Mining, Logging and other Agriculture.

The Tapajós Basin is often described as the last threshold. If we do not manage to stop extraction and destruction here, we are in danger of losing the whole Amazon.

The region forms a barrier to areas of the Amazon that are sparsely populated and extremely vulnerable.

Our Partner: CITA

We are proud to work in close partnership with CITA – Conselho Indígena Tapajós Arapiuns (Tapajós Arapiuns Indigenous Council) .

They are a socio-political representative organization of 14 Indigenous groups in the lower Tapajós region spanning over 100 communities.

They promote civil rights and social, political, economic and cultural well-being of the Indigenous peoples of this region, through organizational strengthening, articulation and integration of the struggle of the local, regional and national Indigenous movement


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