The Treesistace Greenprint


3 territories

600km2 under protection


9 territories

1500km2 under protection


15 territories

5500km2 under protection

We focus on stopping the destruction of old growth / virgin rainforest. Which is not only the most biodiverse but also stores significantly more carbon than secondary forest areas (Such as areas which have been replanted). Within our greenprint, you will find details of our four interconnected strategic pillars, objectives and impact markers.

Access to Justice

It is imperative that there is access to justice for all peoples. Without rule of law and the ability to protect their lands, there is no possibility for communities to prosper. As such, Access to Justice is the foundation of everything we do.

Developed by world leading authority on Forest Crime Prevention Tim Boekhout van Solinge in partnership with Indigenous leaders over the last decade, our proven model focuses on demarcation & land rights, setting up Indigenous forest forces to protect their territories using GPS technology and developing trusted relationships with the justice system to ensure the necessary action is taken (removal of concessions, arrests, financial accountability etc. This is our flagship initiative, a successfully proven model and was peer reviewed in the last UN module on Forest & Fauna.

Renewable Energy Transition

Equally important is stopping the reliance on fossil fuels which are required for everything from lighting, charging devices, to cold storage, to travelling the huge distances between communities. Fuel costs increase significantly as you travel deeper into the interior. This keeps Indigenous peoples in a cycle of poverty and vulnerable to exploitation.

Monthly energy costs are sizeable and rising, leaving communities living month to month and unable to save for alternative solutions. We aim to break this cycle, by forming the 'TreeGreen' renewable energy fund in which, we will be able to replace existing petrol / diesel generators with renewable energy systems, provide technical training to individuals within the community. And with the savings, communities can make repayments into a ‘revolving fund’, which will support other communities and ongoing development needs, meaning impact will continue far beyond the initial investment. This model will enable quick scalability and aim to eliminate the need for fossil fuels in the region within the next decade.

Digital Equity / Communications.

Communications and internet access are essential with regard to forest crime prevention and well as health, education, trade and more. The remote location of many communities puts them in danger from those wishing to extract and exploit.

Starting with Forest Crime prevention, internet and communications are essential to relay gps coordinates with federal police in real time, so illegal operators can be removed / arrested. Furthermore, internet access in local schools will enable better education and the ability for youth members to stay in their community rather than leave for the city (which is costly, takes them away from their culture and can open them to negative outside influences) . Finally, many deaths can be avoided and better treatment provided if communities have the ability to contact health services.

Satellite internet (Starlink) is expensive, temperamental and raises various ethical questions. This is why together with Rhizomatica, we are implementing a new model which uses HF Radio. There system provides secure / encrypted communication and the ability to send audio, text, and visual materials throughout a wide regional network (bringing many communities on contact for a fraction of the cost on a system built for the rainforest). Furthermore, there can be a central command centre connected to the internet which can send any messages received, in real time to the relevant authorities. Finally, this also includes remote units which can be used by the forest guardians whilst on patrol, so they can send messages in real time when there are potential threats.

Sustainable Economic Development

Much is said about the West’s need to be environmental conscious, however the reality is our future, relies on those in the global south. We cannot expect people in poverty to continue protecting nature and the ecosystem our planet depends upon, with no possibility of a better future.

So we need to help lift Indigenous peoples out of poverty. This is why the communications and the renewable energy transition are vital components of our model. Secondly, whilst Indigenous communities are committed to defending their lands and nature, we need to think about multi-generation impact and implementation. This means creating an environment in which the guardians of nature are paid for their work protecting their territory. This can come in the form of biodiversity credits or via the creation of sustainable economic development models such as pre-harvest finance, eco-tourism, artisanal crafts etc Each Indigenous group has different cultures, skills and challenges, so the approach for every community is bespoke and in consultation with them

Ultimately, whether we are communicating with the international community or those on the ground, we need to ensure the Forest is worth more standing than cut down.

Timeline and Targets

End of 2023

Access to Justice

9 Forest Forces with 1500km2 of primary rainforest under Indigenous protection.

Digital Equity

Fundraising and identifying communities for pilot.

Renewable Energy

Partnershop development and project plan approved by Indigenous partners.

Economic Development

Research developed for Biodiversity credits.  First scoping report created for pilot program.

Our intention is to roll each program across the Amazon. However, all activities are first piloted and done in cooperation via our trusted relationship with the Indigenous council of the Tapajos & Arapiuns (CITA) who represent 14 Indigenous groups in over 100 communities throughout the Lower Tapajos, Para state, Brazil.

YearAccess to JusticeDigital EquityRenewable EnergyEconomic Developmen
202410 groups of Forest guardians protecting over 2000km2 of primary rainforest..Launch of pilot in the Lower Tapajos, connecting all Forest Guardian groups on one encrypted network.Launch of Treegreen renewable energy fund to provide green energy solutions to Indigenous communities.Research, development and assessment of proposals from production, tourism to arts.
202515 groups of Forest guardians protecting over 5500km2 of primary rainforest.Upon successful proof of concept. We will form collaborations to widen the ‘forest guardian’ communications network.Capacity building, roll out of green energy solutions and additional fundraising to expand our scale of implementation.Launch of first pilot projects in the Lower Tapajos, to support community self-sustainability.
2026 & Beyond…Subject to having the required resources, this model can be expanded not only across the Amazon but also to the world’s other tropical rainforests.With the correct technical understanding, equipment and installation. We aim to revolutionise communications in the Amazon which will enable better healthcare, education, security and support forest crime prevention.With the correct technical understanding, equipment and installation. We aim to fast forward the green energy transition in the Amazon which will take people out of poverty, minimise exploitation and create an environment for communities to thrive.With the required network, financial solutions and possibilities to fund the protection of primary rainforest, we can help Indigenous peoples thrive, whilst proving that the forest is worth more standing than cut down.


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