As a result, we have created the TreeGreen Fund in partnership with Dutch Green Energy provider Greenchoice. The fund has been created to providing solutions to the most pressing energy needs, supporting territorial defence, health education and creating major savings for communities, so there is a strong foundation for future sustainable economic development
The Indigenous communities it supports are part of its institutional structure, we have developed a training / capacity building program in collaboration with UFOPA (Federal Univeristy of Western Para) and community ownership is further strengthened via our revolving development fund.
The fund initially focuses on the Lower Tapajos region in the State of Para, Brazil. This is the base of existing Treesistance activities and our founding forest guardian groups.
The state of Pará is a territory with voluminous and long rivers, seen by the Brazilian State as a prime location for generating hydroelectric energy. Even so, it is one of the states in Brazil where the local costs of electricity rates are one of the highest. In addition to being costly, the energy is poorly distributed, as there are many local communities without electricity in their homes, even communities directly and indirectly impacted by hydroelectric plants. The energy generated in the state is distributed to other regions of Brazil, leaving the socio-environmental destruction in the Amazon. Therefore, the energy situation brings harm to those who live in traditional communities.
Many Indigenous communities do not have access to energy from the distribution network, or when they do, access is difficult and with expensive energy and unstable supply. Therefore, it is common for each of these communities to have energy generating groups burning diesel oil, causing noise pollution, risks in fuel transportation, high costs and various environmental impacts.
The project will work closely with the communities and develop overall capacity for installation, use, management and maintenance of the equipment, as well as systems for collection of the individual/community contributions to the revolving fund.
With a better community energy supply available the communities will be better able to improve education through access to computer equipment and internet, improve water and food security and thereby community health, and importantly improve communication with other groups and the outside world to strengthen their collective forest guardian work to protect their territories.
GreenChoice provides 100% Dutch green electricity and forest-compensated gas through protecting forests and the climate worldwide. They believe everyone can and should benefit from the transition to green energy. The company has 20 years of experience with forest projects in Brazil.
Conselho Indígena Tapajós Arapiuns (Tapajós Arapiuns Indigenous Council) are a socio-political representative organization of 14 Indigenous groups in the lower Tapajós region spanning over 100 communities. They promote civil rights and social, political, economic and cultural well-being of the Indigenous peoples of this region, through organizational strengthening, articulation and integration of the struggle of the local, regional and national Indigenous movement.
Brazilian ESG Banking platform that provides end-to-end solutions that strengthen the economy of NGOs, businesses, people and finance changes for a fairer and regenerative future.
Welight is a philanthropic fintech, a hybrid organization certified B-Corp, focused on leveraging donor-impact maker relationships through an ecosystem of blockchain-based digital tools to manage and optimise social and environmental investments and interventions, while providing transparency and impact data analytics.
The Federal University of Western Pará (Portuguese: Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, UFOPA) is a public university in the state of Pará, in northern Brazil.It has over 400 faculty and over 10,000 students. It is the university with the highest percentage of indigenous students in Brazil.